Thursday, December 28, 2006
Merry belated Christmas
Christmas's eve was great, doing the usual thing - barbecue at home with family and friends, then chasing each other with party spray cans and a lot of us got all wet. A lot of food and a lot of booze. I got the funniest yet most practical gift from Kriss Kringle - liver tonic tablets! Mandy brought that knowing that most of us are alcoholics, erm... I mean our hobbies are drinking.
Checked out a few places like 7ate9 and Sky Bar last weekend. Hated Sky Bar as it was really warm, I felt like I was in a sauna, couldn't stop sweating. On the other hand, 7ate9 was absolutely cool, with beautiful (mostly) people and good environment, although I got chatted up by the ugliest man in the house, darn anti-climatic.
It was great to have caught up with Wei Liang and Choon Meng a.k.a. ShuQi over the weekend. It's been ages that I've seen them. Those were the days when the three of us went clubbing, getting intoxicated together, then each of us doing our own things - they picked girls up and I got picked up. Nevertheless, the three of us will go home together, wasted, noisy, funny and happy. Those were the days...
I've heaps of pictures but I've no time to upload them. Had only a few hours sleep and got woken up by hunger. Steph is down (again) for holidays and looks like she's having a lot of fun, good for her. Jo is coming in two hour's time and I've only got a few hours' sleep, shite... looking forward to see her and have our endless coffees and goss.
Anyways, Merry Belated Christmas everyone!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I Like New Questions
Top 5 questions I've got from this trip home.
1) When did you get back??? (big eyes staring at me)
2) Why didn't you call me???
3) When are you leaving???
4) Huh???!!! Why so soon???
5) Make sure you call me out before you leave again, promise????????
Not complaining but I need fresh conversations.
Tired, still.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I've Got All the Good Men
I feel truly blessed as I've finally realized, after so many years, the men, those men who were once really nice to me, are still really nice to me - I'm talking about tonight, right now. I don't know what have I done to deserve all these, but for you men who are reading these -
Thank You. I Truly Appreciate It and I Truly Understand What You Men Meant -
Roasted Dragon has been watching me like a guardian angel the whole night. So-Called-My-Boyfriend, as usual, has been telling half of the world about me and was the nicest man to be with, both to me and my girls. Mr Caterpillar Balloon was the one who guarded me home - sent me home and made sure I'm safe. Just imagine when these three men got together and started drinking *shakes head* I was the victim despite being loved.
What else can I say?
Moving on to my loveliest Dad.
I went shopping and splurged on this Fendi black Spy bag in lamb calf. I've to admit that it's kinda pricey, but I really liked it. I was very determined to pay for myself, erm... don't ask me how but I was. But my dad, being the sweetest dad ever, didn't want to take my money (trust me, I gave him the cash, 20% of it). No one will believe how much my dad loves me (and vice versa). It's strange when two temperamental psycho in the family love each other so much. No one understand us. It's just the normal mum loves son, dad loves daughter kinda family but mine is just a little of an extreme.
Am not saying this because he's paying my bills. Friends who knows me understand that my dad has always been pampering me more than he should. And thank god, my mum loves me just as much. Perhaps this is the time when you understand why I call myself lucky. I am lucky. My family's the best of the best, I have heaps of good friends both in KL and Melbourne, and one in Sydney. What else can I ask for?
Thinking of all these has already confirmed that this Christmas is gonna be special to me. It's gonna be quiet yet a home-ly one. Not to forget this very special gift that I've gotten from *Sebastian - ultra limited edition Gucci 85th commemorable perfectly-printed-and-boxed-book. It was so me, so beautiful, so limited-edition, so glam, so heavy, so pleasing, so Lynn.
Thank you. Thanks to my dad who can never take my money regardless of anything.
Thank you. Thanks to my lover who gave me the Gucci book. You know I love you!
Thank you. Thanks to my so-called boyfriend who unconditionally love me for all these years.
Thank you. Thanks to mr. Roasted Dragon for being the guardian angel when I don't even deserve being watched.
Thank you. Thanks to mr. Caterpillar Balloon for the patience, for the ride, for our past, for me and for you.
p.s. I'll post picture of my super cool Gucci book and ultra sexy black Fendi Spy tomorrow.
Also, Fendi vip fashion show on Friday, 2-4pm, anyone wants to go with me?
Monday, December 18, 2006
About Me, Me, Me
Layer ONE
On the Outside
Name : Lucky Lynn
Birth Date : 25th April 1981
Current Status : Eligible
Eye color : Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty : Righty
Zodiac Sign : Taurus the Bull
Layer TWO
On the inside
Your Heritage: Malaysian Chinese
Your Fears: Getting Sick. No $$
Your Weaknesses: Fine Food, Handbags and Fun
Your Perfect Pizza: Anything without capsicum and onion
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: I shall sleep more...
Your Bedtime: The time when I hit the sack
Your most missed memory: Too much to mention but I don't spend much time missing the past. Having a good time now and a better time tomorrow means more to me.
Layer FOUR
Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Caipiroska/Martini
McDonald’s or Burger King : Burger King
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton tea or Nestea: Green Tea
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Bubble Tea
Layer FIVE
Do you
Smoke : Socially
Curse : Learning not to
Layer SIX
In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: You mean yesterday, right?
Gone to the mall: Hello? That's my third home
Been on stage: Yes
Eaten sushi: Of course
Dyed your hair: No way
Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: Not yet
Changed who you were to fit in: I don't need to
Age you’re hoping to be married: Wow... this is hard. For now, say 29?
Layer NINE
In a Girl/Guy.
Best eye colour: Not fussy
Best hair colour: As long as it's clean.
Short or long hair: Short
Layer TEN
What Were You Doing.
1 minute ago : Chatting with Angela & Jeff
1 hour ago : Brunch and Sudoku
4.5 hours ago: Sleeping
1 month ago : Dinner at Via Veneto before going to Madame Brussel then Boulevard. It was my so-called farewell
1 year ago: You won't believe this but I can tell you exactly what I've done - yam cha with mum at Chynna, KL Hilton; coffee with Eleana at La Bodega, BSC; then seafood dinner at 23 with family. Don't ask me how I remember, but I'm not lying.
Finish the sentence
I love: my life, my family and my friends
I feel: like shopping
I hate: getting up early
I hide: my tummy with long tops
I miss: eating all the food in the world and not putting on a single pound
I need: to win the Tattslotto
Tag 5 people
1. Stephanie
2. Kimberly
3. Joanne
4. Eleana
5. Writer
Identity Theft
I'm feeling so fat now. Dad was asking me what I wanted for dinner last night, I wanted Bak Kut Teh. They then drove me to Old Town to fix my craving - my parents are the best!!! My mum is at the same time a funny woman. On one hand she was telling me I'm now too chubby, on the other hand she was making me eat more than I should. Like when I went down for brunch today, I got what I wanted, she took a glimpse at my bowl and said "why are you eating so little?"
Women are contradictory.
I'm still wondering where did the thieves swipe my card.
Extended Alcohol Effects
I was having some sort of a hangover from those Old Parr from dinner the evening before. I swear I wasn't that pissed but I somehow got up with some sort of a headache, not exactly a headache, it's just one of those days where you feel like your head is heavier than it should be, low in energy, if you get what I mean.
By time I was all dolled up and ready to go, all I needed was a nap, I was so tired I could hardly talk properly/sensibly. Keat called me from Melbourne and she was asking me what was wrong as I didn't sound right. It was good to hear from her though.
Eleana and Eileen came to pick me up in a cab (yes, these days we don't drive, unless we don't intend to drink, if that is at all going to happen), I hopped in the cab and for some strange reasons, I started talking comically. I was entertaining myself and the girls with my nonsense from home all the way to Renaissance. Thank god the cab driver was a Malay and he had no idea what I was talking about except for when I said pussy in his language. The girls couldn't stop laughing.
Apparently, according to Eleana, my syndrome got worse when I was at the dinner. Ops, before I forget, it's Wendy and Casey's wedding last night, congratulations. Eleana got so annoyed with me during dinner, she threatened to stick her band-aid on my lips to shut me up if I make anymore crazy noises. I proudly told her that my lips are too thick and it wouldn't work. Irritated was Eleana.
I was suppose to be upset with Eileen for going to the hair salon without me (although I wouldn't go even if she had invited me to). Therefore I decided to bug her with that the whole evening. Annoyed was Eileen, happy was I. Everyone at the table had concluded that the effect of alcohol from last night had just started to hit me, maybe they were right.
Adjourned to Velvet after the dinner. That's when my so-called hangover went away. Thanks to the alcohol, again. See, no one believes me that alcohol cures. I've proved it over and over again that the only way to avoid hangover is to stay drunk. Take my words, or you'll regret *wink*
Didn't take any picture at the wedding as I was really not feeling well, and I was too busy talking. Hopefully Kuan had captured some nice ones with her new camera, her camera was super funky.
As usual, Velvet was ultra packed. Was making my way to the loo and bumped in to Kimberly. Before she even said hi to me she had already threw me a question in astonishment...
"what are you doing with her??"
"who?" I was still blur
"Emily Cheah (the kleptomaniac) la!"
"what? I'm not with her, cheeooyy!"
We then burst into loud laughter but not as loud as the music at Velvet. Can't believe Kim thought that of me!
Speaking of the music, Velvet plays R&B every Saturday and surprisingly, I'm okay with it. Oh, if you haven't already know, I hate R&B, I listen to them only at home. If I go out clubbing, it's either house, hard nrg, trance or retro, no thanks to R&B. But somehow R&B is bearable in KL, strange. Must be the booze, or the familiar faces.
Had a good sleep after some satisfying oily supper in town. Got up fresh and nice, headache was gone. I'm hungry now, supper or not?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
The Zipless F*ck
"all men need just four things. Food, shelter, pussy... and strange pussy."
There may be a big portion of dumb men like that around, who I believe many of you girls have enough experience with them, but I don't think all men are of that category. What about their cars, TVs, career and ego? Bwahahahaha...
There's also a list of modern monogamy glossary...
Open Flirting - flirting is fun, as long as there's strictly nothing hands-on.
Waistline Monogamy - touching and kissing - all activities above the waist.
Clinton Monogamy - oral sex doesn't count.
Body-fluid Monogamy - close, but not that close; you must be separated from all other sexual partners by a layer of latex.
The 50-Minute Rule - you don't sleep with anybody in your home city.
Ethical Slut - a sexually promiscuous person who is completely honest and open about who she sleeps with and why.
Human Sex Toy - someone a couple brings into the relationship to spice up their love life by watching them have sex, or getting together with one of them while the other one watches.
Polyamorous - having multiple partners openly and consensually.
Voyeurogamy - you can look, but you can't touch.
Trinogamous - being in a committed relationship - comprising three partners.
Interesting, very interesting, although these are not new to me anymore. I've got friends around who practise the modern monogamy. Wonder if I can be in an open relationship when possessive was my second name (note: past tense - was). I was selfish, I was(probably am still) crazy, I got jealous easily, I had double standards - I wanted my cake and ate it. I wanted freedom for me and containment for him. I wanted to have him all to myself and not belong to him.
Was that too much to ask for?
Saturday, December 16, 2006
All Good Things (Come to an End)
why do you wanna stay in Australia and look for a job??? You can in fact come home, ask your dad to make a phone call and get a job that you like in KL?
Well, uncle L is not the first person who threw that question to me.
I know I can do that. But I want to try it myself, in Melbourne - not because I know I'm exceptionally smart, but because I've got that exceptional relationship with Melbourne. I feel it, I really do.
So my dear friends and enemies (who reads my blog religiously), please pray for me to give myself a chance to strive in Melbourne, before I can put my head down and come home to the so-called 'whatever-i-like kinda life'.
I need more support from you people.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Worth So Little???
My blog is worth $3,951.78.
How much is your blog worth?
Trust me, with time, my blog would worth more than the slut's.
My Tarot Card
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
I'm so sorry, because of one wrong answer that I gave, I got the wrong card as an answer. Did the test again, gave the right answer and this is what I've got. It's exactly the same thing as what a Taurean is. This is what I read about whenever I read about a Taurean, the sign of Venus, therefore, it's very true. Have I told you that Taureans are materialistic?
Last Night

How I wish there's a rule where construction work can only start after 1pm.
We were cam-whoring again last night. Why does girls like taking so many pictures? But last night even the boys were hogging the camera. There were this Californian guy and his friend who is a South Korean but lives in Norway that we got to know last night, who took quite a few pictures with us. I somehow thought the Korean guy, John looks a little like Peter, but John's much better looking. Am sure Keat would love to meet him *wink*

It was so good. Honestly, Thai Odyssey is one of the best I've been to in KL. They are all Thai masseurs, very professional. Service is good and it's absolutely clean. They've also recently won some best reflexology award in Malaysia kinda thing, so I heard from one of the customer while I was paying. I've been going to this place for two years now I guess, everytime when I return to KL, this is one place that I cannot miss going. Every five days, religiously. I only do their aromatherapy relaxation massage instead of their traditional thai, as Angela said it's too vigorous, yes it is.
As I was going out, my dad was having his lunch...
"going out?"
"where are you going?"
"again? Haven't you just went a few days ago?"
"that was last Saturday, means it's not a few days ago, it's many days ago."
"your bones are all gonna turn soft soon."
"haha... I wish."
"are you addicted to massages?"
"no, I'm just compensating what I've been missing while I'm away"
Good Fun

Phew... finally. I've resolved to Starbucks. The modem at home died on us, so the whole family can't get online. This is in fact the nearest place I can get in touch with the world, despite the ten bucks green tea, which I have heaps of them at home.
Managed to get four tops in twenty minutes while waiting for Angela at Pyramid. Didn't know that place actually has shops that you can shop *tongue out* It's been at least two-and-a-half year that I've driven to Sunway, since I've left Monash. There are a lot of road changes but of course I managed to find my way.
June was absolutely right. She told me before that me and Angela will be able to get along, and we did. For some strange reasons, I've told her a lot about myself although I've only met her twice. We've in fact have a lot in common, but she's smarter and has gone through a lot in life, while I still think that I'm a bit of a bimbo.
Stood Roy up for dinner. He was a little pissed at me I guess. Called him yesterday and he sounded okay, I know he's always the best, I know he can never be angry at me. A bit of what happened - we're suppose to have dinner at Hartams, I met up with Angela for drinks at Sunway. After a few bottles of wine, we decided that it'll be a better idea for me to just stay and keep drinking. So I called Roy while he was already at Hartamas. Not my fault, it's the alcohol!
So I went home with no dinner, wolfed down all the roast duck my mum kept for me and finished up the last bowl of soup at home. Took a quick shower and went to bed with a headache. Poor Angela has gotta work the next day, while I woke up fresh and nice after a thirteen hours sleep *grin*
Alright, next time we'll do something not alcohol related, if it is at all possible. Before that Kaixin and Angela has to take turns between Bangsar-Sunway. Now can we do Bangsar-Sunway-1-U/The Curve? Looking forward to next week's meeting.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Clubbing Family

Bumped in to Kimberly a.k.a. t0othfairie, and it was the first time we've met each other in person. She seems to be really sweet, contrary to her ball-breaking online persona. Whatever it is, I was half way on my train ride to getting smashed, all I remembered was her touching her chin(literally) to tell me that her last name is Chin. We exchanged numbers and we promised to catch up over drinks or dinner, together with Tracy.
The picture I've posted was cropped pretty retardedly, I know. That's because my f*cking-drunk friend(she called herself that!), Eileen can't hold the camera for just two seconds. This is the better among the two, for at least no one's chin is cropped. Oh, chins again.
I then got home at 5-ish, took a shower, and didn't feel too well after the oily supper. Hence, I went down to make myself a cup of hot ginger honey to aid digestion, that was about quarter to 6. I slided open my room's door and I saw the Indon maid making the curtains and she was in total shock to see her drunken-missy at that hour. Look, she's new and she has yet to familiarize herself with my lifestyle. When I got down to the kitchen, the Pino maid was cleaning in the kitchen...
"Siew jeh, aiya... you're still up, you drunk ah?
"Aiya... look at your eyes. Faster go sleep"
She does know me well, indeed.
Went to Laundry for a quiet night on Sunday. The cocktails at Laundry are so cheap! The Amaretto Sour was only RM19 and it actually tasted quite good, to my surprise. Besides, it was about fifty percent more than what we're offered at Cookie. Yet, I still miss going to Cookie.
Eleana thinks Milo is cute while the rest of us thinks she has got bad taste. Boys, don't be too glad when this girl gives you compliments, her taste is a little far away from the mainstreams. Thank god she has never think that I'm hot, phew...
Women and Their Shoes
Violet had got me started listening to Prince, got his album when I came back and it's now on repeat. I Wanna Be Your Lover was released before I was even born.
Liked a pair of Dior peep-toe this afternoon, it was darn comfortable yet there's no more sizes for me. I'm usually a 40 but that pair of 40 was way too big for me, strangely. They ran out of 39 and I don't think I should settle for 40 as my feet will definitely be smaller when I return to Melbourne, when the weather's cooler and less humid.
Fendi was shut for stock-taking, f*cking hell. This happened to me when I visited last summer. Why can't they do it at after hours? Now I've to make another trip there, darn... They better have some nice shoes to make my trip worth, I need shoes, I need bags!!!
Was eyeing on a few pairs of Donna Karen but they were all sold out, at least for my size. Does KL people all have big feet like myself? Or they don't stock size 40 in Malaysia like Aldo and Nine West? Hey, I can sue them for discrimination okay? I was surprise that Belle stocks Pura Lopez and it's cheaper than in Zomp but they don't stock 40s.
Belle had moved from their large corner lot at KLCC to a small corner at Isetan, I was a little disappointed that they are not stocking Miu Miu anymore. Read from the magazines that the Melium group is bringing Bettina Liano in, great! I'm also very excited over the opening of Van Cleef & Arpel at Starhill, only if some men will deliver them to my doorstep *grin*
The newly renovated Chinoz looks great yet I'm missing the old one with that sense of familiarity. Got a quick brunch at Dome alone, the chicken & mushroom pie was as good as before. Does anyone has the recipe that can share with me?
Traffic in the city today was way too CRAZY. If I live here and have to be stuck in jams like today all the time, I bet my wrinkles will doubled in a month. My mouth will be effing all the time, worse than Violet. My thighs will be more toned, with all the effort in braking and accelerating. I'll be an angrier woman than now. F*ck!
I think I'm having my PMS, I get agitated very easily off late, and I've got a bad craving for food. Was craving for Jalan Alor Wong Ah Wah's barbecue chicken wings this evening. Was about to drive out at 1.30am but my dad thought it was too dangerous for me to drive down alone, and I didn't have the heart to make him go with me.
I then turned to my brother. I begged him to go get them for me but all he did was to ask me to order McDonald's delivery. I didn't know they do delivery till three in the morning, how fun is that??? I wish they've something like that in Melbourne so I don't have to drive out in the middle of the cold winter nights.
Monday, December 11, 2006
I'm Happily Fat
I was window shopping at Starhill to kill some time after Milyn & co had left for the airport. The familiar faces greeted me with "Lynn, you've put on some weight", again(I've gotten these last week at Celine). Well, they weren't that tactless, they of course said something nice about me before and after the ultimate you're fat phrases.
The new crews at the boutique however, asked for my origin. They said I don't look local. I'm convinced that this has to do with me being fat, it has to be! This should be quite depressing yet what really scares me is that I am not really feeling it. What I know is that there are heaps of skinny people out there who are not as happy as I am, so what the heck?
Had coffee with Adrian last Friday, I had already warned him not to laugh at me for being fat. That freaking idiot can't stop laughing when he saw me, and he went "why do you want to do this to yourself?" I've to admit that he had lost heaps of weight, and he's still as vain as ever. We had a history - I used to go out with his best friend, who he's no more talking to now because of some 13-year-old kids problem. Besides, our parents are friends, he knew me since I was a baby. For some unknown reasons, that thought somehow digusts me. We used to have long coffee sessions near his work place, and am glad we're still in touch, after being out of the country for these couple of years. We managed to pick it up right where we've left it. He's a good friend who I sometimes feel like stabbing him with a well-sharpened knife. Annoying is Adrian.
It was great to see Milyn, Kosta and his sis in KL. It was a shame that we only managed to spend just two hours together as she's in town for less than 24 hours. That woman was crazy shopping, trying to buy a quarter of KLCC down within that short span. She has done well with two pairs of shoes, some stuff from Zara and Marks & Spencer. Women are born to shop, I knew that since young, it's in us.
I'm not happy to be fat, but I'm happily fat.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
We Deserve the Best
Thanks to Eleana.
The bouncer asked for our IDs, except for Eileen, hahah... that reminded me of Angela. I was more than delighted to present my driver's license. The amount of time I got checked in KL can be summed up with one hand, that includes that one time when Zouk got raided, two summers ago. I feel so young *wink*
I had never liked Poppy and it was one of the few places that I had refused to step foot in, merely because of it's outdoor setting, which was way too warm and humid for me, darn... it's like a night market. I hate places that make me sweat like a pig. However, last night we were all there, for our friend, Eleana and her new friend, who spookily looks very much like Chan Meng, ops!

Steph was lap dancing with my boyfriend, trying to seduce him but to everyone's surprise, he didn't even look at her, all he did was to keep blowing me, and everyone else. I mean, who on earth would turn his back on a hot chick? Hence, I was convinced that he was homosexual, I dumped him straight away. My boyfriend's twin brother, on the other hand, was a real head-turner. He had attracted several males and females to dance with him.

It's been such a long time for Steph to join us in clubs, drinking like there's no tomorrow, late night supper on Jalan Sultan, getting picked up by ugly men and last night, robbed the men with the roses. It was just the beginning of the party season for us, and everyone had already went cuckoo last night. Looking forward to what kinda mess we're creating tonight.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Hotpot Queen

I've got a smart mummy!
My maids must be thinking that I'm crazy. I was eating alone, while watching some Hong Kong variety shows on my laptop, putting the air-con on full blast.
Am missing all the Szechuan hotpot lunches with Jessie. That bitch went warehouse shopping today, without me. Jessie, if you're reading this, I want Crabtree & Evelyn's everything, get me get me get me!
Welcome the Rockstar
It's true, goodbye to the diva duo, call it down-grading or whatever you like, but we are both happy to be the new rockstar. Afterall, we did quite well last night, we had so much fun, got severely intoxicated, saw some familiar faces, met some new people, and then...
Eleana and I had attracted a lesbian!
The optometrist lesbian was all over us, dirty dancing with us and was touching us, yes, you hear me right, touching. Well, I flirted subtly with her too, for some reasons *chuckle* Frankly speaking, I don't mind being touched by a woman at all, I honestly am alright with that. The optometrist then whispered in my ear
"you're so sexy. I think I'll be happy with the two of you"
Was that a self invite to a threesome? Shite, I can't stop laughing now. Question is, do Eleana and I look like we're lesbian partner? Yeah, we did have a history but that was like a decade ago. For god's sake, two single women hanging out together does not mean we're seeing each other, however, I don't care and am quite glad we were taken wrongly, at least now we've got a new friend who parties with us at 'the joint' on Friday.
When we loses our status as divas, queer friends are what we get in return, on the first night of experiencing the life of rockstars. F*ck off you pompous bastards, we need you no more. Go back to your trannies, with thick make-up who can't dress. We won't even be jealous, because they are totally out of the league.
Crazy Bloggers
I've finally met up with Angela(for the first time) and Kaixin at La Bodega Lounge, Bangsar. I felt like I was a high school kid again, meeting up with virtual friends. They are such cool girlies, I can't believe I told them almost everything on the first meeting.
The two of them love beers, and I'm so so jealous *shoulders shaking* that they are so tiny when I do not touch beer yet I'm almost obese! I would love to stay for the whole evening yet unfortunately, my family had cooked for me, without my knowledge. Well, home cook food is what I've always been yearning for, apparently.
Anyways, Kaixin is doing absolutely well, am glad for her, and thanks to her Doodolls. People, go check it out, it's cool, and it's Malaysian!!! I support Malaysian's. As for Angela, she's someone that I can sit down and relax, speak my heart out and not be afraid, she's freaking insane. Well, if Kaixin is crazy, I am crazy crazy, Angela would be crazy crazy crazy.
Get what I mean?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
She's Still Alive!
The wedding gift is a must. I already know what to get as said before. I'm just hoping it doesn't cost me an arm or a leg. I cannot settle to buy anything less than Tiff & Co., that's the lowest I can go. I wanted something better but *roll eyes* I'm jobless. It's an once in a life time's gift so there's no reason for me to be chintzy, that's not my style, sorry.
The weather's so hot, it's making me lazy. The crazy traffic is not helping me to move my lazy arse either.
Was speaking to Violet on Gtalk just before, she told me she got ran over by a car, bwahahahha... sorry but I have to laugh. And I asked her, so why are you still alive? I didn't mean to be mean but if you know me well enough, these are the sort of questions I ask. Yes, she is still alive, kicking and swearing, she's a tough woman, these things can't kill her.
Shall take a shower before making any decision. Can I win the lottery?
Crazy Magnet
Recently a few men around me have been acting a little weirdly at the same time. First the Swiss, who hasn't contacted me for the longest time had sent me a text last week. I replied after two days when I finally realized there's a text on that other phone. We 'agreed' on catching up when I return, the keyword here is 'agreed', it means it might not happen because we've agreed on another thousands of things that are not realized.
What's more bizarre is that the Bacon-Tomato called me from Melbourne. Note: it was a call not a text. He was apparently thinking of me while he was chilling at his balcony, bwahahah... that's a joke, too funny. Well, I guess he was being frank, yeah, he was thinking of me, of why I'm not head over heels for him. Do I need to say more, that's because he's a fucktard! I like him and I despise him at the same time, hm... mix feeling, muahahah...
Oh my, I'm too sleepy to even allow my fingers to tell you more stories. Must be my lavendar bath that I had just gotten out of. I shall not miss my bed time. To be continued...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Bringing the Alcoholics Back
That's what we did - Monday night at Laundry Bar, just the few of us. The annoying Jerry insisted on a bottle of cognac, while my intention was to have some wine, and Eleana wanted some stout. For some kooky reasons, we gave in and had a bottle of cognac with him. Len and his cousin, Kenneth came to join us.
When I saw Kenneth, I thought he reminded me of Mark Lee. We later confirmed that they are brothers, jeez... that makes Len and Mark cousins! Can this world be any smaller? Someone please tell me. As I've always said - the world is too freaking small, we shall behave ourselves as everyone knows everyone.
I'm looking forward to my first Mambo of this summer season. I guess it's going to be different from last year's, no doubt it'll still be fun. With some of them that had stopped coming out, and those that had returned to the scene, and us kicking arses when the moon is high and shining *grin*
Happy Birthday Keat! Love you always!
Monday, December 04, 2006
My Brother's Wedding

My brother's wedding was a blast! Especially the dinner on Saturday, it rocked! It was like a big party in the ballroom. Instead of the bride and groom making their toast at each table, they both went their own ways among the guests, so were the two dads and two mums, and the sister a.k.a. me. That has left no one on the host's table, right after the toasting on stage. Most people that I've spoken to were having a good time, which made our effort all worthwhile.

The party didn't just end there. Zeta Bar was where the seventy of the younger us adjourned to in the so-called mission of finishing up the Cordon Bleus. Needless to say, there were those who couldn't remember a thing from that night; there were those who passed out in the club; there were those who sneaked home; and there were us who refused to say goodbye, all the syndromes of booze intoxication.

I did not tear when I was giving my speech on stage, thank god! But I thought I did alright, I choose to believe that I've done alright.
My indigestion has return to haunt me, at quite the right time - right after the wedding. I had to throw up at about seven in the morning in the hotel, when I was falling asleep. Trust me, I wasn't drunk, it was my stomach. How sure am I? Very. This is not my first experience. And for your information, the fried rice that I chowed down at about ten-ish were regurgitated in their orginal form. What I meant was, the rice were still rice, the carrots and green peas were still recognizable. Disgusting enough?
I had to throw up for about four to five times before my phone rang, that's when my brother woke me up and told me that I shall pack up and get my arse down for lunch. I was like a walking zombie at the restaurant, having only a piece of prawn dumpling, a bite size of carrot cake and a jillion cups of hot tea, I was begging my brother to go home. I drove a car myself but I don't quite know the way home *blush* I can feel the difference of a hangover and indigestion no more, it all felt the f*cking same - near death!
Hence, I headed home, made myself a cup of hot ginger honey, made my way up to my room, stripped, turn my phone off, and sleeeeEEEEEeeept for twenty hours, including a quick Milo break and a chat with Eleana on the phone. I guess if this happen to me every week, I can easily lose a kilo each week but no thanks, I'm happy with being chubby at this moment.
Going to shop tomorrow as massage is definitely more important for me today. There goes the wedding, here comes the parties and splurging.

To the Bride and Groom
Speaking of the bride and groom reminds me of how I used to think about my brother. Look, my brother is 4 years my senior. So that made me four when he was eight. Like many other evil big brother, he used to bully me and made me cry. I used to think… my brother’s such a pain, no woman will want him, no woman will ever be with him. Hold on a second, don’t get me wrong, I love him to bits, after all he’s my one and only brother, however, I still didn’t believe he’ll find a woman who can stand him.
Boy, was I wrong. Four years ago, the silly girl, Rowena, came in to the picture. I liked her, she is a good woman, she is such a sweetie. But I got worried, I thought, what if my brother bullies her? Contrary to what I believed, he is one of the most well-behaved and compassionate boyfriend I’ve ever seen.
Unbelievable! Miracle does happen. Or perhaps, bullying me and making me upset are just the ways my brother expresses his love to me.
Above and beyond, according to my reliable sources, my brother is apparently a women magnet, again, unbelievable! Four years ago, I would never imagine him and Rowena tying the knots. Sorry to say, I did doubt my brother’s seriousness in this relationship. Year after years, what I saw was them striding steadily down the path of life, hand in hand, getting stronger than ever.
Doesn’t only action speak louder than words, my brother told me in his own words that he is very much in love with Rowena. I was almost in tears, the happy tears, I was truly happy for them. You have to understand that my brother and I do not usually talk about these things to each other. Having him said that to me, I knew he was for real.
Rowena on the other hand is an amazing woman. She is not only beautiful inside out, she is at the same time caring, sweet, well-mannered and intelligent. We had so much good time together, going out, partying, gossiping. She’s my sister-in-law, she’s my friend, she’s my family.
Rowena, welcome to the family.
I guess both Rowena and Allan are equally lucky to have found each other. I look at them and I know that they are both meant perfectly for each other. I believe they have given a lot of hope to the single ones around– that your the other half does exist.
On this very special day, I would like to take this once in a lifetime’s opportunity to wish Allan and Rowena with a short poem
Today is a dream realized from years past
The white dress, the wedding cake, the promise of a love that lasts
Today is the beginning of a journey the two of you now share
The vow to love, honor, and cherish now seen in the rings you wear
But tomorrow, tomorrow you will wake as husband and wife
Where the person next to you is yours for life
And so my wish to you both is that when you wake each day
You will turn to each other with the same look you share today
(Jeanne-Marie Casey)
Now, I’d like to propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom
Thursday, November 30, 2006
When You Look at It, You Think of Me
10:09:58 PM Eileen: wah.....
10:10:01 PM Eileen: i'm reading your Best Thighs story
10:10:05 PM Eileen: interesting....
10:17:48 PM me: interesting, you wanna read his mail?
10:17:48 PM Eileen: oh, so that's what happened
10:17:53 PM me: he was insulting
10:17:54 PM Eileen: yes yes!!
10:17:59 PM me: i send it to you right now
10:18:03 PM me: i'll send you my reply too
10:18:03 PM Eileen: alrite!!!
10:18:05 PM me: fuck him la
10:18:52 PM Eileen: sent dy?
10:19:45 PM me: read right now!!!!
10:29:39 PM Eileen: hahahahhahahahahahah
10:30:33 PM Eileen: his style of writing is so "properly" phrased
10:30:33 PM Eileen: it's so beating round the bush
10:30:41 PM me: yes!
10:30:55 PM me: i know, that night when he talked to me, it was even worse
10:30:58 PM Eileen: i nearly fell asleep while reading
10:31:16 PM me: he was just so inarticulate, I had no idea what he was talking about
10:31:23 PM Eileen: what does he do? a poet?
10:31:25 PM me: Fucking hell, he thinks I'm in love with him now?
10:31:35 PM me: muahahaha.... he owns his own "bakery"
10:31:42 PM me: doing xxx
10:31:49 PM Eileen: oh...
10:32:08 PM Eileen: is this the same guy who left messages on your car?
10:32:08 PM Eileen: or diff?
10:32:27 PM me: tsk tsk tsk... now i'm not angry at him anymore, we're friends once again, but i still think he's lame
10:32:43 PM me: different, another guy left message on my car. this is the one who left message on my door
10:32:47 PM me: ;)
10:35:15 PM Eileen: oh...ok
10:35:26 PM Eileen: i like your reply
10:36:03 PM me: really? not bitchy? Jo said it's really mean
10:36:23 PM me: well... i can't be bothered. At least they are what i really think and feel
10:36:36 PM me: he's a smart man, he'll be able to read between my lines, hiakss
10:37:19 PM Eileen: mean? i don't think so
10:37:23 PM Eileen: bitchy - yes but in a very subtle way
10:38:08 PM Eileen: well, he started his bastard-ness first, didn't he
10:39:20 PM me: hihihi... i thought so
10:39:34 PM me: i think he's a player himself
10:39:45 PM me: and i'm no innocent 15-year-old
10:40:02 PM me: and i personally think he sent me that cause he felt threaten by the fact that, I'm not all over him
10:40:46 PM Eileen: haha
10:40:46 PM Eileen: yeah...
10:40:58 PM Eileen: men & their egoism
*** *** *** *** ***
It's very unusual that I've not step foot in KLCC. Do you know how much I enjoy shopping at KLCC? Also my afternoon tea at Chinoz. My usual (alright, call me boring) routine would be - yamcha lunch at Lai Po Heen, MO; shopping; meet up with friends for tea at Chinoz; more shopping before dinner at California Bistro, MO.
I've not done that this time, because of my f*cking foot! Thanks for all the messages and calls guys, I'm getting better. Been seeing the doctor three days straight, got antibiotics injection yesterday and today. Redness's almost gone, just a little swelling left. If it wasn't for my brother's wedding, I wouldn't turn to these antibiotics, they are against my belief.
The bride's family wedding dinner will be tomorrow. I've so much to prepare. Just finished writing my speech for our side's dinner on Saturday. Will post it after the wedding. Hopefully I don't cry while I'm on stage on Saturday, I can't ruin my make up! I've not buy their wedding gift, will do so next week. I've already decided on what to buy. Was contemplating before, to buy something that they will use, or something that I like. I was then told by a wise man that I should buy something that I like, as the gift represents me as a person. Yes, I know what I'm getting, I just need more moolah!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Life in Heaven

When I met up with my mum, she asked me where I've parked my car, I said 'outside'.
"Where outside?"
"Outside of Delicious"
"Oh, you can park there? I didn't know that"
"Yeah, you don't have to pay too, just use your credit card"(giving the smarty-pants face)
"How much?"
"Not sure, eight bucks I think"
"There are heaps of empty space in the carpark and it's only a dollar!"
"I don't know, I don't know the way, I've just got home, give me some time to get my memory back..."
"blah blah blah blah..."
Before I got to buy what I was suppose to, I made a pit stop at Zara, my weekday playground for affordable fashion fix. In merely fifteen minutes, I managed to grab a tweed long jacket and a jumper, for less than RM600!!! My god, if it wasn't because of my mum was waiting for me, I could have spent two hours in there. Nevermind, next week! And wish they'll have more new stocks.
Not only that, I got some of my cosmetics from Kensapothecary for less than AUD350. You've no idea how cheap they are here than in Melbourne. I don't mind spending on clothes in Melbourne because I get totally different styles and cuts, but these cosmetics are the same shit. Man, I'm gonna stock some Creed parfum back, they are just sensational.
Went for full legs, arms and underarm waxing today. It's been nine months. Wait, I'm not saying that I've not been waxing for nine months but lying down there having a few people around me to wax me, not something that I usually do in Melbourne. It's usually the DIY at home. But here, it's dirt cheap, I can't be bothered doing anything myself. Not to forget the SPA manicure and pedicure that are free (okay, my mummy paid for them). I think I could be really spoilt if I live here (again) long enough.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Irreplaceable, Not
You must not know about me
You must not know about me
I can have another you by tomorrow
So don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable
My foot is still as swell and red as before. What can I do?
Opss... have I mentioned that Timberlake's album is my first purchase in KL? And Eleana got me Robbie William's for my birthday *grin*
Monday, November 27, 2006
I've Been 'Rejected', puiii!
...why I am writing this note to you is to say that I respect and value your friendship and opinions but as a friend.
Your company and friendship is great and to be kept. My feelings for there to be more with you though are not.
You may think that this email is of no real importance to us and that I have confused what this has been. Ultimately it is me wanting to be clear and honest with you about where I sit in my feelings.
Does he know what is he talking about for f*ck's sake? Jeez... I think he is having a complex. Let me explain to you what had happened briefly. The Neighbour, obviously as stated in his nick, is my neighbour. He left some notes(plural) at my door last year while I was still attached to my then boyfriend, Mr Personality-less. In respect to my then relationship, I did not response to the Neighbour.
Spring this year, I sent him a text to acknowledge his notes. I was single and I thought it wouldn't harm to have another friend (okay, call it time-filler if you like) to hang out with. Hence, we went on a couple of dates, and it wasn't too bad. Not long after, we had stopped contacting each other for some reasons. Until a few months back, he started asking me out again but I was then too absorbed in my all-over-the-place dates and parties.
We started going again a couple of weeks ago, spent a lot of time together. I had even went as far as to introduced him into my social circle, unintentionally, and he blended in just well, way too well. I'll also have to admit that we're more than just neighbour and friends, but trust me, I was and still am in no state for commitment.
The highlight was this - he took me out for dinner on the night before I left, we were hanging out at his place after returning from dinner. We were talking, watching TV, hanging out and I came out with this statement
"I'm gonna miss you when I'm away"
Now look, I said this to everyone, all my friends, and I meant it. But that doesn't mean I want anything from him, e.g. relationship or asking him to f*cking marry me! If you ask me, I can tell you that yes, I did enjoy his company. We got along very well, I felt really comfortable and he never failed to feed me intelectually. But that doesn't mean I was after a relationship with him, for f*ck's sake.
Subsequent to THE statement I made, he started to have The Talk with me, trying to explain himself. I'm not gonna elaborate what we had talked about but in short, he was telling me that he's not ready for commitment. Proud to say, I responded and reacted in a pretty cool way to what he said. That had made him realized that I am in fact quite liberated (that's the word he used). Also, I personally felt that he was a little surprise that I wasn't what he had expected me to be. To my own surprise, I had a sense of relieve after that, as I at least knew what he was thinking and made myself clear in return.
On the following day, before I left home, he called me to talk to me. When I was at the airport, he texted me a couple of times and called me to chat. I did wonder for a moment, what did he want? And last night, I got this so called 'rejection' email, when I wasn't even demanding any f*cking thing from him. Who does he think he is?
Me and my support team had of course discussed this over emails and phonecalls. I personally think that he knew that I can walk out of him anytime and before I do that, he chose to send me that email first to lie to himself that he's the one who 'ditched' me. Jo reckoned that he's a player who opted the honest-style and he'd rather be honest with me in order to not lose me as a friend as well as a flirt. Pat reckoned that he thinks that I'm so in love with him that I want him to marry me. Eleana reckoned that I'm the first Asian girl he encountered that is not all over him and is actually making him feel low.
In the first place, it was him who threw himself all over me when we saw each other again this time round. I've to say that I do appreciate what he's done for me and my friends for the past couple of weeks, even after that senseless email. He was indeed very nice to me. I never had problem with men thinking that I want to marry them, he is definitely the first. Having said that, I presume it wasn't me who had done something outrageous for me to deserve such email.
It's definitely his problem here. Dude, I guess it's time for you to wake up and smell the fresh air. I like you a lot but I do not want anything more than what we were having before. In case you don't know this, I was freaking out when you were too nice to me, I thought you were the commitment-maniac!
Alright, enough said. With the help of my ever-so-supportive girlies, I've replied to his email. It sounded friendly, cool and sweet with a hint of bitchiness, if you get what I mean. If what I predicted comes true, he should be digging a hole to hide his quite-attractive face. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him, but I did feel a little offended by that mail, trust me, there were heaps more other contents in the mail, mostly about himself, his feelings, his history, his other woman (who is not his woman).
We got along extraordinarily well afterall. I really would love to still spend time with him whenever possible, only if he can get over his embarrassment *chuckle* Call me living in my own world or whatever, it's all about personal choices. I chose to believe he's gonna be embarrassed.
Can't wait till he replies.
Elephant Left Foot

I was advised by my family doctor that in order to get well for the wedding dinner on Thursday, I'm suppose to stay in bed - as in, don't walk whenever possible. F*cking hell! Why does this has to happen to me? Only me? Last winter I got a diarrhea when I returned; last summer I had diarrhea, fever and was vomitting a day before I was suppose to head down south for Zoukout at Sentosa Island; this summer I got a swollen elephant leg. Just what is wrong with me? It's not like I'm going to some unknown island in India, I'm only coming home!!!
Because of my f*cking left foot, I am not allowed to go out. Therefore am here, sitting on my bed, blogging, msn-ing and watching the cable. Believe it or not, I've not even stepped foot in the malls! I need to shop, I want to get this Tod's clutch for the wedding. I know I don't need it but I need to head to the malls.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
To the Melbourne Gang, With Lotsa Love
Thanks a lot to those who came to CQ and Lanai on Friday, I had such a good time. If you haven't already know, I had obviously had too much to drink. I was the last in the very-long-line to check-in, and of course the last one to board. Had some food and felt really sick - I chucked! Had about ten cups of hot tea just to calm my stomach.
Anyway, KL is great, as ever. I was struggling in remembering the route to my hair dresser but once I got in to the car, everything was just too easy. I've afterall lived my whole life here in KL before Melbourne. Traffic here is crazy, but so am I. All the unclear road signs (but I don't need them); driving 120km/h on 60km/h (and nobody cares); having a fast(er) car to drive in comparison to my little red rocket. Violet, you should see the way I drive here, as crazy as you, or worse.
It's great to see my family and friends again, who missed me as much as I missed them. My folks were so excited, even my maids were eager to see me. Not to forget my dearly missed shoes and bags *grin* Not having to do any cleaning and cooking is just too good to be true. Return to my room that is bigger than my tiny apartment in Docklands; all the home-cooked food. Bad news is, girls here are so tiny, I'm like the fattest girl of my age in town, damn!
It's good to have this kinda life once in a year. I know I want to return to Melbourne, the second place that I call home - driving sensibly, doing my laundry and dishes, taking the cab to meet up with you guys for after work drinks, look for a job, struggle to pay my rent every end of the month, thanking god that my apartment is small whenever I'm cleaning it... Four weeks and I'm back - thanks for making it happen!
I'm taking it really easy now, before my brother's wedding. I didn't go out last night, fell asleep while watching the cable before I could decide to check out the scene or not. I was completely knackered after 36 hours of no sleep. After his wedding, it's gonna be party time. All the mid-week Mambo, Laundry Thursday, kick-ass weekends; shopping shopping shopping; massages massages SPA; favourite restaurants and new ones, can't wait.
Now, how was your weekend?
Minh & Keat - Happy Birthday in advance.
Milyn - call me a day before you come to KL, I'll take you to this very good Italian place.
Sasha - please ask Vum to call me when he's in KL.
Sharon - call when you're here, I'll go out with you after the wedding.
Missing you guys. Mail back!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Adieu, Spendthrift
Keat was telling me it's good to keep things uncertain, the guessing makes the heart grows fonder. Unless I want a relationship, so she said. Pat agreed with her. Violet and I, on the other hand, cannot agree on that. We are the closure-seeking women, regardless of whether we are looking for a relationship or otherwise, we 'have to' end things before we start a new chapter. I'm just so obstinate in these many ways.
Made Chickouna for the girls on Tuesday, instead of them bringing take-away. I was pleased that the girls liked my cooking and finished the whole tray, not considering whether it really did taste okay, or them being tactful. Also, to my relieve, none of them felt sick the following day, phew... Look, I don't cook for people often, and one of the reasons is that I am afraid I'll give my friends diarrhea, although that hasn't happened yet, YET!
Charmaine made dinner tonight. I felt really healthy for eating in two nights in a row. If you haven't already know, I usually eat out six days a week. It's not that I can't cook but cooking for one person is too much of a hassle, not to forget the washing. Hey, putting the dishes in to the dishwasher requires a lot of hardwork okay?
I've been good in the sense that I'm really budgetting my food and beverages expenses. No more cocktail, or rather not going to bars; no expensive dinners; no shopping. My best-ever group of friends here are pooling in money for me to return for two weeks for New Year. They are such generous people (I'll return the money eventually, don't sweat) and it will be so wrong for me to splurge on things while others are trying to help me. So, hear me - I will be good, I will live frugally until I clear off my debts, I promise!
Again, my crazy yet ever so supportive friends:
Thanks for making it happen! I know this is way too crazy to be true, but we're all making it possible. I'll make sure it's worthwhile.
p.s. Mamma-san Patricia was pimping me off!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Food is What I Can Think Of Now

It was again three o'clock in the afternoon, we had the whole restaurant by ourselves - Jessie and I were going nuts. We've found our new addiction - Szechuan (spicy) hotpot at Hot Pot King, Box Hill. That's what we had instead of yam cha on a thirty-one-degree-celsius Sunday afternoon. I've to admit, we're a little crazy.
At the same time, I'm also having a bubble tea relapse, after several months of bubble milk tea-less. This is bad but bad things are always addictive, aren't they? I always go back to the same sort of things that are not good for myself - food and men, pfftt!

Call me a loser if you want as I'm still hooked on my Spicy Prawns from Dainty. Had take-away after my budget dinner and my unhealthy bubble tea from Chinatown. I'm utterly broke but I just can't resist those Szechuan peppercorn, knowing that I'm gonna miss them when I'm back in KL.
Actually I have a lot to blog about, too much running thoughts, I can't write just yet. All I can talk about is just food for now.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I'm the Proud Malaysian
F*ck them! Us Malaysian girls might not be the best, but we're definitely one of the hottest! The un-informed a.k.a. un-educated - open up your eyes and start observing, Malaysian girls are just too great. Erm... perhaps you guys are too much of a loser to notice that, poor boys.
It happened to me this evening, along with many other nights... they started with all the f*cked up compliments, then my origin. Malaysian of course. They said they can't believe it. Of course they don't, cause they are too stupid! Smart ones would've known that I'm a Malaysian girl, with that black hair with the curls!
Start Googling man!
Good Friday
I had such a great night on Friday - drinks with Steve (and others) at Cookie; awesome dinner at my favourite Japanese joint - Shoya; great time with Jessie and Milyn; impeccable house music at Alumbra; quality time at other people's private yacht and at the Docklands Park with Milyn on our way home. It was a great "last Friday" for me.
It's now Saturday night/Sunday morning, what shall I do when I can't sleep after drinking too much?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Hot Pot Lunch
Hooked up with Jessie for lunch today. She wanted Chilli Chicken but I thought it wasn't a good idea as I've just had it two days ago. Then we decided on yam cha at Box Hill but we came out with an even better idea - Hot Pot King, Szechuan hot pot - yummilicious. It's perfect for such a chilly day like today. Yes, we were the two idiots who had hot pot at three o'clock in the afternoon, having the whole restaurant to ourselves.
The devil had also tempted me to Chaddy while we were suppose to head back to the city and darn, I've spent money! I'm utterly broke and I've spent money, God... please help me! Good thing was that it was mostly Christmas gifts, means that they are for other people. Alright, I confess - I bought a cardi for myself but I was looking for that one in white since I was in Brisbane. I know, no excuses. Fine.
Had dinner with Merv's group at Via Veneto as Louis is leaving tomorrow for more than three months. It could be just me and Jessie, but the food wasn't too good tonight, I didn't like it.
I'm so tired, and feeling fat from all the food and bubble teas that I've had today. I'm disgusting. Shall take a shower and watch some bad TV.
Sarah McLachlan - Stupid
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
My Gap Year
Carrie: Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.
That is very close to my current state of mind. I've had my relationship gap year - being single to build a relationship with myself - which in many sense, made me a better person. My confidence has grown, I'm more focused if not totally, calmer, and comfortable with myself - my past and my present.
In this one year, I've met heaps of people, both men and women. I've been on countless dates, exchanged thousands of stories and ideas. There are those who adore me for who I really am; there are those that had stopped calling me because they think I'm too playful and naughty; there are those who see me in the light of a trophy girlfriend/wife by 'perfectionizing' me; there are those who are amazed by me and started to idolized me; there are also those that despise me for many possible reasons.
What I'd love most is to meet someone, who holds my hand and walk down the road with me, side by side, perhaps half a step quicker. It's not that I can't lead my own way, but a man who can guide always have a place in my heart. A man who pampers me but not babies me; a man who makes me a better person; a man who see the real strength in me and encourages me to make use of them; a man who have faith in me; someone who's smarter than I am in some sense; someone who thinks that I'm beautiful inside out; someone who accepts my past and understands that my history carves who I am today; someone who respects and loves my family and friends as much as I do; someone who will work hard together with me to keep the love and passion going.
Someone that I am in love with.
I was just talking to Joanne on MSN, she told me that I'm a Carrie and I should be a Samantha - Samantha f*cks and go while Carrie makes love. Yes, I am not a Samantha, I'm not as capable. I f*ck and I get emotionally involved, then I get upset when things don't go my way. I'm always lost, lost and lost, wander, wander and wander, not knowing what I actually want. But the good thing is, I never give up, as I still believe, I know I can eventually land on the right place, at the right time.
I can never be Samantha, can I?
Farewells Lined Up
I've recently been really busy with dinners. All the catch-up dinners that I've been postponing since god-knows-when and the farewell dinners. That's one of the many good things about humankind, we eat for every reason - birthdays, deaths, farewells, catching ups, promotions, even breaking ups for myself. I find every reason to celebrate both big and small events in life, as well as to eat and drink to drown my sorrow when things go against my wish.
Because I know people, thus I heard you.
I was informed that I have a "farewell party" lined up for me on this Thursday. Well, that's a real surprise for me. As me, being the one who's gonna leave the country soon know nothing about the so-called party. Hilarious is that there's apparently no one is going. Alright, surprise me may you. I'm in fact looking forward to tomorrow and see what is going to happen, two-person-party?
In fact, the group is organizing a farewell pre-drinks, dinner, more drinks then club Saturday for me. I foresee there's gonna be drunkards kicking arses in Melbourne city again, especially the one with the name of a flower, as well as the colour *wink*
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I'm a Freak
Regardless of how much I don't want to be in a relationship, the term 'relationship' is just so invincible, in any sense. There are more complex relationships other than the MWR - men-women-relationship. There are times when you start to ponder... what is the status?
Hold on a second! Firstly, what do I want? Vaguely I know I want my cake and eat it; in actuallity, I do not know what I want, but I know what I don't want. I don't want to be tied down, yet I don't want to let go of something that I think could be good for me. I want the best of both world, but I don't know how. There's too much uncertainty, it's freaking me out.
Haven't I said that I want to have all the fun and freedom till my 27th birthday?
I have a problem trusting, I've just realized. I never thought I've that problem until this evening, I have to accept the fact that I'm a loser who can't trust. Was it innate? Or is this what I've got from the post-Health Advisor-syndrome? Is that an alarm for disaster when everything is going so unbelievably well, so well that you thought you've just gotten a free ride to eternal happiness?
I'm freaking myself out, and freaking people around me out. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten and shitted at the same place.
Fundamentally F*cked Up

Time flies, too quickly. I thought the last time I caught up with Electrolux was a month ago but boy, was I wrong. It was in fact been five months that I've not seen him. Just what have I done for the past five months? Travelling, partying, drinking, good food searching, blogging, dating... it was indeed a lot that I've done.
We had dinner at Grossi Florentino. That was the place where we had our first dinner together, and tonight will be the last for us in Melbourne. He's leaving the country for good and I'm leaving for my summer holiday. He is a good man. A good man who bores me, sorry to say. I felt absolutely remorseful for getting caught for my eyes were wandering while my mind was straying, all at the same time when he was talking to me. I felt so guilty that I wanted to pay for the bill, thinking that it might help me feel better but of course, he didn't allow me to. On the contrary, he sent me a text when I got home, to tell me how glad he was to catch up with me and would love to have another dinner before I leave, erm... what the eff? He spent more than three-hundred bucks, talk most of the night, watched me day-dreamed and he told me he had fun? He is FFU - Fundamentally Fucked Up - as taught by Violet.
It was the most taxing three-and-a-half-hour I've ever had. What had happened to me? I am sure I had sat through many dreary dates before but this evening, my forehead was marked "BORED" in fluorescent. It was too taxing for me, both physically and mentally. Couldn't even be courteous enough to put up my cheery facade, I'm sorry.
Anyways, what I used to like - food at Grossi Florentino - had totally failed to impress me. Is that their problem or mine? Perhaps I'm suffering the consequences of good-food-hunting: high expectations, less satisfaction. Gave Jacques Reymond's degustation a go on Friday with Jessie and Milyn, it wasn't too impressive either, but much better than Grossi Florentino. For the past two months, Vue De Monde was the only one that made me jump, what say you?
My weekend was another round of food-athon. I even had to eat two dinners on Saturday, because it was both Jessie's and Sasha's birthday. Both are my very good friends and I couldn't afford to miss any of it. For that reason, I had my first dinner at Stokehouse from six, followed by Japanese at Koko at almost ten, pfftt...
Nineteen plates of dim sum for three girls were what Katie, Kylie and myself had for yam cha this afternoon. Partially my fault as I was two hours late *blush* Kylie was also to blame because she was telling me she can eat more than ten plates, I later found out that it was two f*cking years ago.
More dinners to come, both farewells and belated birthday. Bye bye my waist.