Monday, December 04, 2006

To the Bride and Groom

First of all, on behalf of my family, I’d like to say thanks to all of you for attending my brother’s wedding. It’s our pleasure to have all of you here to celebrate this very special moment with the bride and groom.

Speaking of the bride and groom reminds me of how I used to think about my brother. Look, my brother is 4 years my senior. So that made me four when he was eight. Like many other evil big brother, he used to bully me and made me cry. I used to think… my brother’s such a pain, no woman will want him, no woman will ever be with him. Hold on a second, don’t get me wrong, I love him to bits, after all he’s my one and only brother, however, I still didn’t believe he’ll find a woman who can stand him.

Boy, was I wrong. Four years ago, the silly girl, Rowena, came in to the picture. I liked her, she is a good woman, she is such a sweetie. But I got worried, I thought, what if my brother bullies her? Contrary to what I believed, he is one of the most well-behaved and compassionate boyfriend I’ve ever seen.

Unbelievable! Miracle does happen. Or perhaps, bullying me and making me upset are just the ways my brother expresses his love to me.

Above and beyond, according to my reliable sources, my brother is apparently a women magnet, again, unbelievable! Four years ago, I would never imagine him and Rowena tying the knots. Sorry to say, I did doubt my brother’s seriousness in this relationship. Year after years, what I saw was them striding steadily down the path of life, hand in hand, getting stronger than ever.

Doesn’t only action speak louder than words, my brother told me in his own words that he is very much in love with Rowena. I was almost in tears, the happy tears, I was truly happy for them. You have to understand that my brother and I do not usually talk about these things to each other. Having him said that to me, I knew he was for real.

Rowena on the other hand is an amazing woman. She is not only beautiful inside out, she is at the same time caring, sweet, well-mannered and intelligent. We had so much good time together, going out, partying, gossiping. She’s my sister-in-law, she’s my friend, she’s my family.

Rowena, welcome to the family.

I guess both Rowena and Allan are equally lucky to have found each other. I look at them and I know that they are both meant perfectly for each other. I believe they have given a lot of hope to the single ones around– that your the other half does exist.

On this very special day, I would like to take this once in a lifetime’s opportunity to wish Allan and Rowena with a short poem

Today is a dream realized from years past
The white dress, the wedding cake, the promise of a love that lasts

Today is the beginning of a journey the two of you now share
The vow to love, honor, and cherish now seen in the rings you wear

But tomorrow, tomorrow you will wake as husband and wife
Where the person next to you is yours for life

And so my wish to you both is that when you wake each day
You will turn to each other with the same look you share today
(Jeanne-Marie Casey)

Now, I’d like to propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom


Elizebeth D.L. said...

I am 5 years older than my brother.

Ironically, I am the one always bully him. and if he still stays with me now, I will still continue bully him I think.

You are right, it is a way to show my love to him, when I am bullying him (grinning:>).

Unknown said...

very nice speech.... were u nervous? i don't think i can even make it up to the stage....
faster blog about why u slept for 20 hours...

Lucky Lazy Lynn said...

Deisy is the evil big sister!!!

June, I was nervous for the first 10 seconds, after that not nervous anymore. Just had to control myself from tearing. Will blog about it when I regain my energy, very tired.