Remember how I said I wanted to order deliveries and stay in? As I was flipping through my menu while deciding on what to have, my appetite came knocking on my door. Subsequently my secret code with Milyn crossed my mind.
"I thought of food and I thought of you"
We wanted to go to Verge but they can only give us a table at 9. Taking into consideration that my stomach was growling in resentment as I've not had a proper meal for more than 24 hours, I wanted to eat instantaneously. We ended up at Scarpetta where Ned is the owner as well as the (only) waiter. The place was cozy, Ned was affable and service was up to standard in spite of having only himself on the floor. I had fish which is quite rare, simply because I was still very much revolted by meat, especially chicken, of course. Antipasto doesn't count as meat in my lexicon because they were cured *snort*
Looking at Scarpetta's website reminds me of someone. He's one of the two owners of this bar that I used to frequent at City Square, namely Three Below, who apparently used to like me. Look, I'm not blowing my own horn here. As a matter of fact, he used to give me free boozes, specially made Martinis, played CDs that I wanted to listen to and asked me out. He was totally a gracious person to speak to, if you ask me. He would run to the back when he saw me getting up from my seat to the loo and have small chats with me.
Bang! One day, god knows what he's been up to or he had just gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, he just stopped talking to me, almost totally. All I remember was, there was an evening when I was a little tipsy from Cookie, I went over for more drinks with SP. As SP was in the washroom, and he came to clear the glasses, I can't recall what we've spoken about, I might have said something offensive (which I very much doubt so), but I remember him saying this to me
"Lynn, you've had too much to drink"
Until today, he refuses to speak to me except for the obligatory "Hi, how are you?". The inquisitiveness in me would really love to unearth the swift hostility but why should I be concerned? Duhhh...
Nonetheless, my initial point was about the website. He once handed me his name card and went "I'd love to take you out some time, give me a call?. There's a web address on the card, which takes me to no where but a stand alone page with only contact number and poor design.
*** *** ***
Back to food.

I was actually telling Milyn in the car that I've been craving for churros, before Wayne join us at the restaurant and suggested dessert after dinner. My strategy of no dessert on week nights has once again went on the blink, pffttt! Churros, chocolate tapas, Spanish traditional hot chocolate, luscious! As a result, my throat is f*cking sore right now. Having chocolates when you've just had fever the night before is exactly like adding salt to one's wound.
Then again, if I'm going to be sick, I'm going to be sick happy and contented.
Okay, time to get back to my essay *sick*
Sending car in for service at 8 tomorrow *so sick*
Haha.. you are really a very interesting woman!
If I were you, I will not be able to hold my curiosity, I will really go up to him and asked him the reason for the sudden change. HMM...
Deisy, it's gonna be so embarrassing if I go up to him and speak to him, let's say "Hi Michael, what's with your sudden snobbishness towards me? Why are you not nice to me anymore?"
And he goes "I've never been nice to you only, I treat everyone the same, I think you've just been self-absorbed"
How embarrassing??? I can't... unless I'm drunk, which is why I don't dare to drink too much at the bar anymore, lest I do stupid things (like I always do).
er.. I will email him and ask him, instead of asking him face to face;)
If he acted rudely after I asked him, I will just never step into his restaurant again. No big deal. Won't die..
Deisy, you're such a brave woman! Therefore... I should ask this:
June, go to Three Below with me one day, let's get a little, just a little tipsy, and let me ask him what's going on, once and for all. I need a girl friend to back me up man. I wanna do it up front, can or not?
yah man, do it!! seriously... (I am NOT saying this because it is not me who faced it... )
June & you same city??? So nice of you all!!!! I wish to get some gf like you girls over here.
Sigh, most I get over here is ah-lian. SOB!
Yeah, me and June are in the same city. We live about 15 minutes apart only. Deisy, actually I'm an ah lian too! :p
Cannot be, ah lian won't be in library listening to friend's call asking is Hello Kitty is female or male. HAHA!
seriously i think u should just go ask him why why why!!!... hahaha..noler i'm just teasing you.
3 below... when? not this week..can we do it after i come back frm KL.
hey i thought u're going to quit supper...and now chocolates..what's the different?
Deisy, am a closet ah lian pretending to be not, sshhh...
June, we'll go one day and when I'm tipsy enough, I'll ask him.
Erm... chocolate is dessert not supper, big difference, :p
yes, ask him directly.
guai low likes to be direct, isn't it?;)So just ask him straight!
But I'm a shy Asian, :p
Therefore I need the help of alcohol. Now all depends on June, she's my gut-booster.
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