Saturday, May 12, 2007

Where's the Personal Style?

What is worse than having bad taste are those who have no taste.

No personal preference, no direction, no idea what they need and what they want, no idea of who themselves are, pffftt!!! May it be their outfit, choice of music, places to go, hair, interest and some even to the extend of food. Excuse me but I can't take all these shit, especially when I've been a victim - being copied not copying. Where is the personality?

From since I can remember, during college, there is a friend who likes to dress like my twin sister when we go out clubbing. I was at first a little bothered but later thought it was highly amusing. Call me supercilious as I always knew that I look better in every way, at least I accessorized myself with confidence. Don't get me wrong, I'm not thinking that I'm better looking than everyone out there, I adore lotsa girls around who have their own style, and they are so much hotter than me, anytime. Yes, personal style I'm talking about.

I believe everyone has got a different style, mainly affected by your character, lifestyle, your body shape and size. Hence, for crying out loud, f*cking discover your own wardrobe. People who tries to be someone else can never be attractive.

Having said that, I, however, do not mind having the same pieces with my friends at all. A very good friend started a phone conversation with me last week with "you're gonna kill me cause I bought your bag". Darling, I won't! If you know me, my girlfriends and I have the same stuff sometimes, and we're not bothered. As I said, I believe everyone is different and you create a different image eventhough we're using the same piece. Also, when something is so beautiful and worth buying, of course I'll be happy that you girls have it too. You bought it cause you truly think the piece is beautiful and it deserved to be brought home, unlike those that I was complaining about - knows no shit and just buy cause you're carrying it *shake head* *roll eyes*

Also, when I was in Monash, there's a friend who likes to dress like me to class. For f*ck's sake, I was into maxi dresses then, ankle length and she's one and a half my size, but maybe 5'3? I'm sorry if I sound mean but if you're to dress the same, first ask yourself, does this suit me? Do I look good? This girl will do a personal interview with me from time to time to ask me what I've shopped recently and the next thing you know, she'd either bought the same stuff, or bought something bigger or pricier. Hey, this isn't any competition and there's no prize waiting for you. I was then told this is in a way very complimenting, you have followers. Geez... this form of flattery isn't appreciated much. Thanks, but no thanks!

And for those out there who can't decide for yourself on what's your interest and what kinda of music you like, I have nothing much to say but to feel sorry for you. Guess you'll never find out, try harder next life. Of course, it is okay to share what's good, e.g. introducing a good film or album to your friends and make them listen or ask for friends' opinion on what's good of late. But when you discreetly checked on what I'm listening and get the album, telling the world things like "oh, you know what? I've been listening to xyz forever and they're really good, have you heard of them" Come on, who are you trying to fool?

To save some money, I can lend you the album to copy you know?


Anonymous said...

ppl copy because u look good ma. like a walking advertisement. like when ppl see the new gucci dress in the ad its the whole image they're gunning for and they think they are going to get when they buy it.. unfortunately not everyone can pull it off!

takes a lot of common sense u know, wanna copy also do it wisely right...hurhurhur.

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

blatant copying is kinda sickening..luckily i havent got any fans yet haha...if im ever stalked..i b afraid..

Lucky Lazy Lynn said...

Steph, you're right but...
I wish I'm Gucci yet I'm not.

Junie, your friend sounds like someone I know, hihi...

Joe, what's worse than being copied is having others thought that we're best friends that have to dress alike, god damn it!

Anonymous said...

sigh being copied is better than being said to have copied when you're as innocent as a 3 yr old. I remember being told by miss PSM that I look like someone which I don't see a similar feature at all.. Am I cock-eyed or was she?

Lucky Lazy Lynn said...

You cock-eyed for sure. Miss perfect PSM won't be wrong!

Anonymous said...

Damn then I should really go see a specialist...