Friday, May 04, 2007

Do You Really Know Me?

Before I go to bed, I spent some time to come up with these questions for you people. So you better be doing the test! If you love me, do the test, because I love you guys!
Create your own Friend Test here

Reminder: Don't use some funny nick okay? If you're to use a nick, choose something obvious that I can figure out who you are, you know me, dumb... b*tch!


Lucky Lazy Lynn said...

Don't worry babe... I've got some feedbacks from friends, my questions were apparently darn hard. Damn...

TheWriter2006 said...

No, not hard....just that you didnt even know the answers to your own questions! Trust me, your friends know you better than you know yourself.... LOL

Lucky Lazy Lynn said...

I know the answers. If you realized, most answers are correct but I was asking for the MOST liked or LEAST favoured.