Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kill that Indian Girl!

I had a long sweet 17-hour sleep, from 8pm last night. Was a little hungry before hitting the sack but there's no food at home. Had a muesli bar (which Pat refused to eat in the afternoon when she complained that she was starving) and went straight to bed. Got some calls throughout the night but it didn't really wake me up from my sweet slumberland.

Didn't sleep much at all on the plane, thanks to the f*cking Indian girl next to me. Okay, I'm not trying to be racist here although I am at most times. I wasn't suppose to be sitting next to her but this young boy asked if he could change seats with me as he's with the girl next to me, sure. This Indian girl was really nice, way to nice to be precise, at the beginning - she helped me in arranging my pillow and blanket!!?? As Pat and Violet would say, "thank you but I can manage myself!".

We then spoke a little, about why she's going to Melbourne - to look for her newly-wed husband who's studying here. Then I slowly realized that this was her first experience on a plane, I taught her to recline her seat, to on and off the lights while she's writing and told her a little about Melbourne. Well, I thought that's alright, it's pretty common, there's always the first time. When I was watching my movie, she can't stop staring at my screen. Obviously she didn't know how to use her remote control. But because she annoyed me so much before, by talking non-stop, I was cruel enough to not teach her.

After my movie was done, I had two sleeping pills, put on my socks and eye-shade and slept. But that f*cking idiot can't stop talking! When I was having my 4th dream of the night, she was asking me "is Melbourne really a good place to live?" amongst other questions. I heard her but I refused to move or react. In my heart, I was cursing her to death, seriously. If killing was legal, I would've run to the pantry and grab anything that can kill and stab her to death. She kept quiet for a while and I guessed she had fallen asleep too. Not long after, she suddenly spoke loudly to me in Hindu. I obviously got a shock and jumped up while yelling "what the f*ck?" to her. She then apologized and claimed that she thought I'm the sister sitting next to her. Really, WHAT THE F*CK?

I landed an angry woman. Told Pat that I need a shower quickly before we head out for lunch when she got me from the airport as she was sleeping on me before I pushed her away. Thank god she doesn't smell or I would've tap on the guy's shoulder and tell him that I want my seat back. For once I gave the chance to an Indian to allow myself to like them better, but she had just f*cked everything up. I wasn't racist but now I am, very!


Whasup said...

lucky no smell can faint.... i had this experience room with 2 of them and both smelled I really thought I was gonna faint......

Unknown said...

*evil* *evil* lets not be racist here yo..because in any case, a Chinese or Malay can be that annoying..
but I surely understand about people you don't know that talks too much in the plane. hahahahahah.. But that was funny that you jump and yelled "What the F*ck? to her........ I can imagine you doing it already ... muahahahhahaha

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. damn funny.
She sounds a bit demented.
You should have smacked her out of the blue; then apologise and say that you thought she was your ex-boyfriend sitting next to you.

Anonymous said...

Good post.