As for now, and it has been a long time, I need a black bag. It's utterly ridiculous for a bag-whore like me to not have a black number. I always go for colours, all different kind of colours, and then, keep going back to browns, all shades of browns, then repeat on the colours.
Today, I've got the I-need-a-black-bag-syndrome again.
Come on, let's double da B this time. Black Bag, Big Bag, Be Bad, Be Bold, B. Bag!

Sweetie Junie,
Under the influence of your fanatical idea of shopping at eLUXURY, the Loony Lynn actually had attempted to do so. (Un)fortunately, they do not ship out of America. So now, good/bad news for yourself?
Love, Lynn
what about net-a-porter..but i dunn think they carry fendi..
hmm.. hey this friday dinner is at 7.30pm. sorry that i didn't call you, got home abit late yesterday
speaking of eluxury! hmmmph!
one time (da first time), i was nicely shopping and dumping stuff into the cart, totally unaware of shipping limitations, spent like hours selecting and deciding what i Have to have and what i didn't really need and then doing the currency calculation. after the many hours, only to find out that THEY DON'T SHIP TO MALAYSIA.
(can someone tell eluxury to SHIP out of US??? it's not like we don't wanna pay for shipping charges right...)
maybe it's my connection but net-a-porter seems "slow" to load all the time.. is it just me???
Haha... June, we better be careful this Friday as the whole world knows where the both of us will be now. See you on Friday.
Angel, before I really was against the idea of buying luxury goods online because I like to be in store, have a 'feel' of it and get the service before buying. I then finally changed my mind on buying this pair of Dior on eluxury but I can't. So I'll stop trying, no more online shopping for luxury goods.
Everyone should just buy lingerie on Been shopping with them for years, good one. At least they send to Malaysia and Australia!
yup..and get Victoria Secret to ship it to ur office address incase some pervert go to ur mail box to curi all the undies when u're at home... LOL
But i need to try the bras before i know if i want them!!!
oppss..i mean when ur"not at home"
The sizes at Victoria's Secrets are really precise. Try something from its sales, then you'll know if it fits. Haha... can't believe we're discussing about bras here. Crazy women, you girls I mean.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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