Say what you want but I'm still gonna be proud of this little achievement.
I've recently fallen into a new addiction - cheese. It's been a month or so that I have this constant craving for cheese. I've almost totally stopped ordering dessert after dinner and let the cheese platter takes over its place. Sometimes my craving gets really bad. There was one evening when I was out with the LAMB posse. We had drinks and asian tapas for dinner at Golden Monkey. The food didn't satisfy me and I wanted some cheese. They didn't serve cheese and the boys offered to pay and asked them to get it from next door but they couldn't do it. I frowned. So three men had to leave the place and took the craving woman to search for cheese. We ended up at The Toff and I finished the whole cheese board by myself.
Sheesh... I'm a pig who eats cheese. Do you know that too much dairy is bad for skin? Don't ask how that works, go google it. That's what I was told by my naturopath and I do believe because my skin got so much better after I've switched to soy products. It could be other reasons but my skin is really getting worse of late. So I'm telling myself, this will be the last piece. If I could kick away the chocolates, am sure I'm strong enough to kick away the cheese this time.
Out of sight, out of mind. Don't let me see, smell or hear of che*se from next week onwards. That means I still have this weekend to get cheesy, whee...
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