This isn't my first graduation - I had my diploma's in KL and degree's in Melbourne where we had a wonderful time together, not having any worries and no one had the faintest that any of us wouldn't be around for my next bigger graduation. We had beautiful family photos with me wearing that penguin gown; we had dinners after dinners in the name of graduation; and I got anything that I wanted because they love me too much to say no to me.
Perhaps I should attend this ceremony with mum and Dad's spirit, yet I'm not sure I can cope with it. I told mum not to come over as it's really not necessary and it's so crazily expensive here. I would rather she visits another time...
congrats babe!!
yay! congrats!
Congrats girl!!! =)
Gong Hey Gong Hey darling...
Thank you, everyone, xoxo
hehe congrats girl!
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