I miss waking up next to you in the morning, feeling rather grumpy (half of the time I was pretending) so you would kiss me and cuddle me and make me smile. I was having a ball during the three weeks that we spent together, laughing at our own SAC/OWL jokes, stuffing our faces with food and more food, me crying for stupid reasons and wanting you to give me hugs and kisses, too-many-but-not-enough kisses a day, long walks and slow talks. I love it when you play with my hair, when you kiss me in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping, when you hate spending time in malls but you would go shopping with me, when you tell me that you love me.
Do you miss having breakfast with your sweet girlfriend before going to work, and come home to the same hot girl who jumps around the apartment like a kid, who makes a lot of noise and talk too much, who goes crazy when she sees food, who has her PMS whenever she feels like?
Even at times when we argued, I still loved you. We're still learning about each other and we get upset and frustrated at times like these because we care for each other and for our relationship. We could've just left everything behind and walk away but we chose to solve the issues and in fact, we've grown closer to each other after every fight.
I miss you so much, can you be back soon and play with your hyperactive girlfriend? I promise to have less PMS and share my bed with you, but you've to promise me to have chili chicken, spicy prawn, fish, beef and beer duck with me. And if you cook for me, I'll massage you. If you take me to the country, I'll not party for a weekend. If you sing and dance for me, I won't throw up but I can't promise not to laugh. If you spend more time teaching me to swim better, I'll go with you to the deeper sea. Deal or no deal?
I'll see you in about 2 weeks' time. Hope things are going as planned and you should book your tickets soon. Hopefully you'll take me to the zoo in my dreams tonight. Love you!
Your cute girlfriend,
Captain Grumpy
so sayang...... =)
lynn lynn...so nice to see you on cloud 9!!
OMG so sweet!!! Hehehe... happy to see you are in love again!
Hey but we didn't meet up in kl!!!
I'll meet you at the orangutans...
Mrs P, that shouldn't be new to you.
Carol, surprise to have heard from you, how are you?
June, thank you and hope you've soothed your goose bumps. :p
Emily, sorry but I really really had no time at all in KL
Anonymous, learn how to use your nickname.
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