Friday, July 01, 2011


Once upon a time, there was a man who loved me very very much. I was the happiest girl on earth, nothing was too difficult to get through because he always made me smile. This man has left me, forever. Nothing could make him come back to me. I am now the happy girl who cries at times, like when she's driving to work, or when she's having dinner on a Friday night. Sometimes I wonder... Do other girls who have lost him behave the same?


Elizebeth D.L. said...

I once was in your current stage before (before I met my hubby). This is a disadvantage for us who poured out our heart in every relationship.

Trust me, everything will be smoothened out in its own course. Just like a flu, you just have to let it run its own course to heal...

Hope you become better soon:)

Lucky Lazy Lynn said...

Babe, I wasn't talking about boy+girl relationship. I was missing my dad...